English Language WAEC Past Questions

English Language WAEC Past Questions 2022

English Language WAEC Past Questions for 2022 is here and if you are preparing to start your examination then this should serve as a guide to knowing the kind of questions to expect in the examination.

English Language WAEC Past Questions

Here are the english language WAEC Past Questions;

  1. Which of the following items is an example of industrial goods?
    • A. Cassava tuber
    • B. Toothpaste
    • C. Bread
    • D. Cake
  2. The first institution to introduce a degree programme in marketing in Nigeria is University of:
    • A. Ibadan
    • B. Nigeria, Nsukka
    • C. Lagos
    • D. Jos
  3. Which of the following marketing terms is applied to a buyer that obtains a desired product by offering something in return?
    • A. Needs
    • B. Wants
    • C. Demand
    • D. Exchange
  4. A company’s orientation that concentrates on mass distribution and low cost of its products is a:
    • A. product concept
    • B. production concept
    • C. marketing concept
    • D. selling concept
  5. Which of the following business orientations stresses that promotional efforts are necessary before customers buy a product?
    • A. production concept
    • B. product concept
    • C. selling concept
    • D. marketing concept
  6. A set of controllable variables that a firm uses to pursue its objectives is:
    • A. product mix
    • B. product concept
    • C. selling concept
    • D. marketing mix
  7. A feature of product as a marketing mix element is:
    • A. credit terms
    • B. warranty
    • C. cash discount
    • D. allowances
  8. Which marketing mix element is applicable when a firm provides parking space for its customers?
    • A. process
    • B. people
    • C. price
    • D. promotion
  9. In marketing, the term product refers to:
    • A. any item that can be seen or touched
    • B. anything that can be offered for consumption
    • C. goods and ideas
    • D. package’s design and warranty
  10. Milk, sugar, and bread bought by Amaka for her children’s breakfast is an example of:
    • A. shopping goods
    • B. convenience goods
    • C. specialty goods
    • D. unsought goods
  11. Companies that purchase goods for further processing is an example of:
    • A. a consumer market
    • B. an industrial market
    • C. a reseller market
    • D. a government market
  12. Which of the following statements explains an organizational market?
    • A. Buyers are widespread
    • B. Buyers are price conscious
    • C. Purchasing is on first-come, first-serve basis
    • D. Purchasing is done by trained personnel
  13. At what stage in the buying process does a consumer consider product attributes of valuable brands?
    • A. Alternative search
    • B. Alternative evaluation
    • C. Purchase decision
    • D. Post-purchase decision
  14. The last stage in the consumer buying decision process is:
    • A. information search
    • B. evaluation of alternatives
    • C. problem recognition
    • D. post-purchase decision
  15. The process of collecting and analyzing relevant information to solve a marketing problem is marketing:
    • A. intelligence
    • B. research
    • C. audit
    • D. planning
  16. An information required for marketing planning is:
    • A. product quality control mechanism
    • B. company’s recruitment policy
    • C. previous year’s sales volume
    • D. company’s financial policy
  17. The purpose of feedback from customers who use a company’s product is to:
    • A. train marketing staff
    • B. improve the quality of products
    • C. determine distribution channel to adopt
    • D. determine the promotional tool to adopt
  18. A retailer’s cost and selling price for a bag of rice are N10,000 and N14,000 respectively. What is the company’s mark-up on cost?
    • A. 28.6%
    • B. 35%
    • C. 40%
    • D. 71.4%
  19. A retailer’s cost and selling price for a bag of rice are N10,000 and N14,000 respectively. What is the retailer’s profit per bag of rice if he incurs an additional cost of N500 on each bag of rice?
    • A. N3,000
    • B. N3,500
    • C. N4,000
    • D. N4,500
  20. Which of the following activities is not a function of advertising? It:
    • A. informs the audience about a product
    • B. reminds the audience about a product
    • C. is used in place of personal selling
    • D. encourages middlemen to stock a product desired
  21. An example of a non-personal means of reaching the target audience by an identified sponsor is:
    • A. personal selling
    • B. coupon
    • C. sales promotion
    • D. billboard
  22. A reason for granting quantity discount is to:
    • A. encourage prompt payment
    • B. encourage bulk purchases
    • C. make sales outlet popular
    • D. encourage competition
  23. Coupon is used as a sales promotional tool targeted at:
    • A. wholesalers
    • B. consumers
    • C. retailers
    • D. salesmen
  24. The creation of awareness for product at the point of sale is:
    • A. sales promotion
    • B. sampling
    • C. personal selling
    • D. merchandising
  25. An example of merchandising activity is:
    • A. canvassing for customers by salesmen
    • B. displaying product at the retail store
    • C. distribution of goods to customers
    • D. sales call by salesmen
  26. The channel member who does not take title to goods is the:
    • A. retailer
    • B. wholesaler
    • C. agent
    • D. distributor
  27. Which of the following distribution channels would be used to sell tractors and cranes?
    • A. Producer > Agent > Consumer
    • B. Producer > Agent > Retailer > Consumers
    • C. Producer > Agent > Wholesaler > Retailer > Consumer
    • D. Producer > Agent > Wholesaler > Consumer
  28. The document that shows the details of goods being transported is the:
    • A. bill of exchange
    • B. invoice
    • C. waybill
    • D. Certificate of Origin
  29. One of the reasons transportation is important is that it:
    • A. ensures customers’ satisfaction
    • B. ensures profit maximization
    • C. facilitates the distribution of goods
    • D. ensures stabilization of product price
  30. An example of a government warehouse is:
    • A. co-operative warehouse
    • B. bonded warehouse
    • C. manufacturer’s warehouse
    • D. private warehouse
  31. Which of the following goods are kept in bonded warehouse?
    • A. Semi-finished goods
    • B. Dutiable goods
    • C. Consumer goods
    • D. Finished goods
  32. A body that comprises sellers of onions in an area is an example of a:
    • A. labour union
    • B. market union
    • C. employers’ association
    • D. producers’ association
  33. An example of market facilitator is:
    • A. transportation companies
    • B. manufacturing companies
    • C. manufacturers’ association
    • D. textile sellers association
  34. A method of engaging in international marketing with the lowest business risk is:
    • A. agency
    • B. exporting
    • C. joint venture
    • D. direct investment
  35. A form of engaging in international marketing that involves the pooling of resources between local and foreign firms is:
    • A. joint venture
    • B. direct investment
    • C. franchising
    • D. licensing
  36. One of the benefits of e-marketing is that it:
    • A. distributes company’s goods
    • B. enhances product quality
    • C. broadens a company’s customer base
    • D. prevents pilferage of company’s goods
  37. One of the uses of e-marketing platform is to:
    • A. deliver goods ordered
    • B. provide after sales service
    • C. provide packaging for products
    • D. promote goods and services
  38. A skill a sales personnel should possess to enable him handle aggressive customer in a market outlet is:
    • A. calculative skill
    • B. managerial skill
    • C. bargaining skill
    • D. technical skill
  39. A factor to be considered in extending credit facilities to a customer is the:
    • A. nature of products to be sold
    • B. cost of producing the product
    • C. individual’s total purchases in a given period
    • D. number of channel members involved in distribution
  40. An entrepreneur who intends to establish a frozen fish shop will need a:
    • A. reliable power supply
    • B. good communication network
    • C. good network of roads
    • D. reliable skilled labour
READ More  WAEC Marketing Past Question 2022 [Updated]

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect in the English Language WAEC exam?

The exam typically includes comprehension passages, essay writing, grammar, and summary tasks.

How should I prepare for the comprehension section?

Practice reading different types of texts and answering questions to improve comprehension skills.

What are common topics for the essay section?

Topics often include current affairs, social issues, and personal experiences.


Success in the English Language WAEC exam hinges on thorough preparation, including mastering comprehension, essay writing, and grammar skills. Practice with past questions to familiarize yourself with the exam format and improve your performance. Understanding key strategies for each section, such as effective summarization techniques, ensures you can confidently tackle any challenge the exam presents.

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