Computer Science Syllabus

Computer Science Syllabus For NECO 2024/2025

Computer Science Syllabus for 2024 is out and this syllabus is here to guide you know the places your questions will be coming from.

With this syllabus combined with your past questions, you should be able to prepare well and because we have your interest at heart, we have decided to make sure you see the full syllabus and read ahead.

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Table of Contents

Computer Science Syllabus For NECO

Below are the topics and sub-topics you should read up in computer science;

1. Computer Evolution

1.1 Computing Devices I (Precomputing age- 19th century)
(i)Features , components and uses of early computing devices:
  • Abacus;
  • Slide Rule ;
  • Napier’s bone;
  • Pascal’s calculator;
  •  Leibniz multiplier;
  • Jacquard loom;
  • Charles Babbage’s analytical engine;
  • Hollerith Census Machine;
  • Burrough’s Machine.
(ii)Contribution of each of the founder of these devices to
modern computers.
1.2 Computing Devices II (20th century to date)
Features, components and uses of: -ENIAC
  • UNIVAC 1
  • Desktop Personal
  • Computers
  • Laptop and Notebook computers -Palmtop


2.1 Overview of Computing System

  • Definition of a Computer; – Two main constituents
    of a Computer
  • Computer hardware;
  • Computer software
  • Classification and examples of hardware and software.
  • Functional parts of a computer
  • Characteristics of Computers
  • Electronic in nature;
  • Accuracy;
  • Speed;
  • interactive etc.
2.2 Data and Information
  • Definition and examples of data and information;
  • Differences between data and information.

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3.1. Security and Ethics
1. Sources of security breaches:
  • Virus, worms and Trojan horses;
  • Poor implementation of network;
  • Poor implementation or
  • lack of ICT policies;
  • Carelessness- giving out personal and vital information on the net without careful screening.
  • Hackers, spammers etc
2. Preventive measures
  • Use of antivirus software e.g. Norton, McAfee, Avast, etc
  • Use of firewall;
  • Exercising care in giving out vital and personal information
  • Encryption
  • Proper Network Implementation and Policy
  • Using sites with web certificates
  • Exercising care in opening email
3. Legal Issues
  • Copyright (software copyright)
    Ownership right to (text, images,audio, video)
  • Privacy of audio and video software -Cyber crimes (Identity theft, internet fraud)
  • Hacking
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4.1. Input devices
  • Definition and examples of input devices
  • The use of keyboard, mouse, scanner, joystick, light pen, etc
  • Classification of keys on the keyboard into Function, Numeric, Alphabetic
  • Cursor keys
  • Features, function and operation of the mouse -Differences in
    keyboard, mouse, light pen and scanner

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4.2 Output Devices
  • Definition and examples -Output devices: monitor, printer,
    speaker, plotter – Type, features and uses. -Differences between
    input and output devices -Similarities and differences in inkjet,
    laser and line printer
4.3 Central Processing Unit
  • Components of C.P.U.: Arithmetic and logic unit, control unit
    Function of ALU and Control Unit
4.4 Memory Unit
  • Types of Memory Unit: Primary And Secondary memory
  • Components of Primary memory unit: ROM and
  • RAM
  • Differences and uses of ROM and RAM
  • Examples of Secondary memory devices: floppy disk, hard disk, compact disk(CD), flash disk, digital video-disk(DVD) Unit of storage in memory devices: bits, nibble, bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes Interconversion of unit of storage.
  • Comparative study of auxiliary storage devices in respect of their
    size, speed and technology
4.5 Logic Circuits
  • Definition, types and uses of standard logic gate:
    AND, NOT, OR Symbols of AND, NOT, OR gates
    Construction of truth table for standard logic gates
    Differences between AND, NOT, OR gates NAND and NOR as alternative logic gates should be treated
  • Construction of Truth Table for NAND and NOR
    Construction of a simple comparator with -XOR(
    Exclusive OR)
  • NOR gate

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5.1 System Software
(i) Definition and types of software
  • System software
  • Application software
(ii) System software and their examples
  • Operating System e.g. MS Windows
  • Translator e.g. Compiler
  • Tools/ Utility e.g. Antivirus
(iii) Examples of Operating
  • MS Windows
  • Linux
  • UNIX
  • MS-DOS etc
  • Examples of Translators
  • Assemblers
  • Compilers
  • Interpreters
(v) Examples of Utility
5.2 Operating System
  • Editor
  • Anti-virus etc
  • Definition, types, examples and function of Operating System
  • Graphic User
  • Interface(GUI)
  • GUI (MS Windows,
  • Linux, etc)
  • Command line (MS
  • DOS, UNIX, etc
  • Read More:
5.3 Application Software
(i) Definition and types of application software
(ii) Common Application Packages and their examples
  • Word processing(MS Windows)
  • Spreadsheet(MS Excel)
  • Database(MS Access)
  • Graphics
(iii) Packages for spreadsheet purpose
  • Accounting software
  • Payroll program
  • Banking software
  • Education management software
  • Statistical packages


6.1 Word Processing

Definition and Examples:

  • Word Processing: Creating, editing, formatting, and printing text documents.
  • Examples:
    • MS Word
    • WordStar
    • WordPerfect

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Features of Word Processing Programs:

  • Text formatting (font styles, sizes, colors)
  • Spell check and grammar check
  • Insert images, tables, and charts
  • Page layout options
  • Document templates

Application Areas:

  • Office work
  • Publishing
  • Journalism
  • Education

Features of MS Word:

  • User-friendly interface
  • Rich text formatting
  • Mail merge
  • Templates and styles
  • Collaboration tools

Steps in Activating and Exiting MS Word:

  • Activating: Open the program from the Start menu or desktop shortcut.
  • Exiting: Save your work and close the program using the ‘Close’ button or ‘File’ > ‘Exit’ option.

Basic Operations in MS Word:

  • Create: Start a new document.
  • Edit: Modify existing text.
  • Save: Store your document.
  • Retrieve: Open a saved document.
  • Print: Produce a hard copy.
  • Close: Exit the document.

Further Operations in MS Word:

  • Move: Relocate text.
  • Copy: Duplicate text.
  • Cut: Remove text.
  • Use of Different Fonts: Change font styles and sizes.
  • Formatting: Adjust text appearance.
  • Justifying: Align text.
  • Search/Explore: Find text within a document.
  • Spell Checking: Correct spelling errors.
  • File Merging: Combine documents.

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6.2 Spreadsheet

Definition and Examples:

  • Spreadsheet: A program for organizing and analyzing data in tabular form.
  • Examples:
    • VisiCALC
    • MS Excel
    • SuperCALC
    • Autocad

Features of Spreadsheet Programs:

  • Grid of rows and columns
  • Formulas and functions for calculations
  • Data analysis tools
  • Chart creation
  • Conditional formatting

Application Areas:

  • Accounting
  • Statistical calculations
  • Student result management

Features of MS Excel Environment:

  • Status Bar: Displays information about the current state of the spreadsheet.
  • Menu Bar: Provides access to various commands and features.
  • Formula Bar: Shows the contents of the active cell and allows for formula entry.
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Definition of Basic Terms in MS Excel:

  • Worksheet: A single page in a spreadsheet.
  • Workbook: A collection of worksheets.
  • Cells: Individual boxes in a worksheet.
  • Cell Ranges: A group of selected cells.

Data Types in Excel:

  • Number: Numeric values.
  • Labels: Text entries.
  • Formula: Calculations and functions.

Basic Operations in Excel:

  • Data Entry: Inputting information into cells.
  • Saving: Storing the spreadsheet.
  • Retrieve: Opening a saved file.
  • Copy: Duplicating data.
  • Move: Relocating data within the spreadsheet.

Arithmetic Calculations:

  • Using formulas and built-in functions for various calculations.

Additional Operations in Excel:

  • Editing: Modifying data.
  • Formatting: Adjusting the appearance of cells and text.
  • Printing: Producing hard copies.
  • Drawing Charts: Visualizing data.

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6.3 Database

Definition and Examples:

  • Database: A structured set of data held in a computer.
  • Examples:
    • Dbase IV
    • Foxbase
    • MS Access
    • Oracle

Basic Terms in Database:

  • File: A collection of related records.
  • Record: A single complete set of related data.
  • Field: A single piece of data within a record.
  • Key: A field used to identify a record uniquely.

Types of Database Organization Methods:

  • Hierarchical: Data is organized in a tree-like structure.
  • Network: Data is organized in a graph, allowing multiple parent records.
  • Relational: Data is organized in tables related by key fields.

Features of Database Format:

  • Files designed as tables
  • Tables comprise rows and columns
  • Rows contain records
  • Columns contain fields

Steps in Creating a Database:

  • Define the structure
  • Indicate field types (numeric, character, date, text, etc.)
  • Enter data
  • Save data

Basic Operations on an Existing Database:

  • Searching: Finding specific data.
  • Modifying: Updating data.
  • Sorting: Arranging data.
  • Reporting: Generating summaries.

6.4 Graphics


  • Graphics: Visual representations such as images, drawings, and designs.

Examples of Graphics Packages:

  • Paint
  • Harvard Graphics
  • Photoshop
  • Coreldraw

Features in Activating and Exiting Coreldraw:

  • Activating: Open the program from the Start menu or desktop shortcut.
  • Exiting: Save your work and close the program.

Simple Design Using Coreldraw:

  • Business Card
  • School Logo
  • National Flag
  • Invitation Card
  • Certificate

6.5 Presentation Package


  • Presentation Package: Software used to create visual aids for presentations.


  • MS PowerPoint

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Features of PowerPoint Environment:

  • Slide layouts
  • Templates
  • Transition and animation effects

Steps in Activating and Exiting PowerPoint:

  • Activating: Open the program from the Start menu or desktop shortcut.
  • Exiting: Save your work and close the program.

PowerPoint Operations:

  • Create New Presentation: Start a new slide deck.
  • Insert Pictures, Text, Graphs: Add various elements to slides.
  • Animated Contents: Add animations to slide elements.
  • Add New Slide: Insert a new slide into the presentation.
  • Save Presentation: Store the presentation file.
  • Run Slide Show: Present the slides in sequence.
  • Print Presentation: Produce a hard copy of the slides.
  • Close Presentation: Exit the presentation file.


7.1 Concept of Computer Files

Definition of Terms:

  • Computer File: A collection of data stored on a computer.
  • Record: A single, complete set of related data items.
  • Field: An individual piece of data within a record.
  • Data Item: The smallest unit of data, such as a single number or letter.

Types of Data Items:

  • Numeric: Numbers only.
  • Alphabetic: Letters only.
  • Alphanumeric: Combination of letters and numbers.

File Structure Organization:

  • Data Item -> Record -> File -> Database

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Types of File Organization:

  • Serial: Data stored in the order it was entered.
  • Sequential: Data stored in a specific order, usually sorted by a key field.
  • Indexed: Data stored with an index to quickly locate records.
  • Random: Data stored in any order, accessed by a unique key.

Methods of Accessing Files:

  • Serial: Accessing data in the order it was stored.
  • Sequential: Accessing data in a specific, sorted order.
  • Random: Accessing data directly using a unique key.
File Classification:
  • Master File: Permanent file containing critical data.
  • Transaction File: Temporary file holding data about recent transactions.
  • Reference File: File containing data that is referred to but not frequently changed.
Criteria for Classifying Files:
  • Nature of Content: Program or data.
  • Organization Method: How data is structured and accessed.
  • Storage Medium: Where data is stored (e.g., hard drive, cloud).

7.2 Handling Computer Files

Basic Operations on Computer Files:

  • File: Create a new file.
  • Delete: Remove a file.
  • Retrieve: Access a file.
  • Insert: Add data to a file.
  • Copy: Duplicate a file.
  • View: Look at the contents of a file.
  • Update: Change the contents of a file.
  • Open: Access a file to read or write.
  • Close: End access to a file.
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Effect of File Insecurity:

  • Loss of data integrity.
  • Unauthorized access or data breaches.
  • Data corruption.

Causes of Data Loss:

  • Hardware failure.
  • Software bugs.
  • Human error.
  • Cyber attacks.
  • Natural disasters.

Methods of File Security:

  • Regular backups.
  • Encryption.
  • Access controls.
  • Antivirus software.
  • Secure physical storage.

Differences Between Computer Files and Manual Files:

  • Storage: Computer files are digital, while manual files are physical.
  • Access: Computer files can be accessed quickly and remotely, whereas manual files require physical access.
  • Editing: Computer files can be easily edited and updated, while manual files require more effort to modify.

Advantages of Computer Files:

  • Faster access and retrieval.
  • Easier to update and manage.
  • Requires less physical storage space.
  • Better data security and backup options.
  • Improved data sharing and collaboration.

Disadvantages of Computer Files:

  • Dependence on technology and power.
  • Risk of cyber attacks and data breaches.
  • Potential for data corruption or loss due to technical issues.
  • Initial cost of hardware and software setup.


8.1 Booting and shutting down process

(i) Description and types of booting process
(ii)Types of booting process
(iii)Steps involved in booting a computer
(iv)Identification of features on a desktop

8.2 Computer Data Conversion

(i)Definition of registers, address, bus
(ii)Types and functions of registers: MDR,CIR, SCR
(iii)Differences between register and main memory
(iv)Steps involved in how a computer converts data to required
information (Input-Process-Output)
(v)Factors affecting speed of data transfer: bus speed, bus width.

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9.1 Communication Systems

(i)What‘ICT’ acronym stands for.
(ii) Types of ICT

9.2 Application areas of ICT

(i)Application Areas of ICT include the following:

  • Teleconferencing
  • Video conferencing
  • Telecommuting
  • Telecomputing
  • Messaging
  • Information search, retrieval and archival.

(ii)ICT based gadgets and their operations

9.3 Internet

(i)Definition of Internet and some Internet terms: Homepage, Browse, Chatroom, Cybercafe, HTTP, HTML, ISP, Webpage, Website,etc
(ii)Types of internet browsers
(iii)Features of Internet browsers
(iv)Types of Internet services

9.4 Electronic Mail(e-mail)Services

(i)Definition of electronic mail
(ii)E-mail Services:
(iii)Steps involved in creating e-mail account
(iv)Steps involved in opening mail box
(v)Features in an e-mail address.
(vi)Definition and steps involved in chatting

9.5 Networking

(i)Definition of a Computer Network
(ii)Types of Network
(iii) Network topology
(iv)Network devices
(v)Advantages of Networking

9.6 Introduction to Worldwide web (W.W.W.)

(i)What is the ‘W.W.W.’ acronym stands for
(ii)Brief history of W.W.W.
(iii)Basic terminologies: W.W.W., website, webpage, homepage, protocol, etc
(iv)Protocol: HTTP, HTML
(v)Uses/benefits of www
(vi)Navigating through websites
(vii)Difference between e-mail and website address features: and
(viii)Software for web development.

9.7 Cables and Connectors

(i)Types of Network Cables and Connectors
(ii)Types of Computer Cables and Connector

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4.1 Input Devices

Definition and Examples of Input Devices:

  • Input devices are hardware used to send data to a computer.
  • Examples include the keyboard, mouse, scanner, joystick, light pen, etc.

Use of Input Devices:

  • Keyboard: Used for typing text and commands.
  • Classification of Keys on the Keyboard: Function keys, Numeric keys, Alphabetic keys, Cursor, keys
  • Mouse: Used for navigating and interacting with the computer interface.
  • Features, function, and operation of the mouse.
  • Scanner: Used for digitizing physical documents.
  • Joystick and Light Pen: Used for specialized input tasks.

Differences Among Keyboard, Mouse, Light Pen, and Scanner:

  • The keyboard is primarily for text input.
  • The mouse is for navigation and selection.
  • The light pen is for direct screen interaction.
  • The scanner is for converting physical documents to digital form.

4.2 Output Devices

Definition and Examples of Output Devices:

  • Output devices are hardware used to convey information from a computer to the user.
  • Examples include the monitor, printer, speaker, plotter.
Types, Features, and Uses:
  • Monitor: Visual display unit.
  • Printer: Produces physical copies of documents (e.g., inkjet, laser, line printers).
  • Speaker: Produces audio output.
  • Plotter: Used for large-scale graphics and engineering drawings.
Differences Between Input and Output Devices:
  • Input devices send data to the computer.
  • Output devices receive and display data from the computer.
Comparison of Printers:
  • Inkjet Printer: Good for photo printing, slower speed.
  • Laser Printer: Faster, better for text documents.
  • Line Printer: High-speed printing, used for large volume printing.

4.3 Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Components of the CPU:
  • Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU): Performs arithmetic and logical operations.
  • Control Unit: Manages and coordinates all activities within the CPU.

4.4 Memory Unit

Types of Memory Unit:
  • Primary Memory: Includes ROM and RAM.
  • Secondary Memory: Includes devices like floppy disks, hard disks, compact disks (CD), flash disks, digital video disks (DVD).
Units of Storage:
  • Bits, nibbles, bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes.
Interconversion of Units of Storage:
  • Understanding the hierarchical relationship between different units of storage.
Comparative Study of Auxiliary Storage Devices:
  • Comparison based on size, speed, and technology.

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4.5 Logic Circuits

Definition, Types, and Uses of Standard Logic Gates:
  • AND, NOT, OR Gates:
    • Symbols of these gates.
    • Construction of truth tables for these gates.
    • Differences between them.
Alternative Logic Gates:
  • NAND and NOR Gates:
    • Construction of truth tables for NAND and NOR gates.
    • Use of these gates as alternatives to standard gates.
Construction of a Simple Comparator:
  • Using the XOR (Exclusive OR) gate.
  • Incorporating the NOR gate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I choose which essay questions to answer in paper 2?

You can pick three essay questions to answer. Take a moment to read all the questions and choose the ones you feel most comfortable with. Be sure to organize your answers clearly and include plenty of examples to support your points.

Are there any specific study materials I should use?

Besides your class materials, you can also use NECO’s suggested textbooks and study guides.

How should I prepare for the multiple-choice questions?

To do well on multiple-choice questions, go over all your notes and textbooks carefully. Focus on important ideas and definitions, and practice with similar questions to get used to the format. Remember to manage your time during the exam; pacing yourself is really important.


NECO Examination is close and as a computer science student, the best you can is to use this NECO syllabus to study and you will meet progress. Make sure to share this content with people you love and classmates.

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