Jamb syllabus for islamic religion

Jamb Syllabus For Islamic Religion

The Jamb syllabus for islamic religion covers all the topics that students are meant to cover before the start of your Jamb examination.

In this post, we are going to give you the complete Jamb syllabus for Islamic Religion Studies, to help you know the places your supposed to read. So let’s get started;

Table of Contents


1. Revelation of the Glorious Qur’an


  1. Visits of the Prophet (SAW) to Cave Hira
  2. His reaction to the first revelation and its importance
  3. Different modes of revelation (Q.42:51): inspiration behind the veil, through an angel, etc.
  4. Piecemeal revelation (Q.17:106) (Q.25:32)


  1. Analyze the Prophet’s (SAW) visits to Cave Hira and their purpose.
  2. Describe the Prophet’s reaction to the first revelation and its importance.
  3. Differentiate between the modes of revelation.
  4. Explain why the Glorious Qur’an was revealed piecemeal.

1b. Preservation of the Glorious Qur’an


  1. Complete arrangement
  2. Differences between Makkah and Madina suwar
  3. Recording, compilation, and standardization of the Glorious Qur’an
  4. The role played by the Companions of the Prophet (SAW)


  1. Identify the personalities involved in the arrangement of the Glorious Qur’an.
  2. Differentiate between Makkan and Madinan suwar.
  3. Analyze how the Glorious Qur’an was recorded, compiled, and standardized.
  4. Evaluate the role played by the companions of the Prophet (SAW).

1c. Importance of the Glorious Qur’an


  1. As a source of guidance in spiritual, moral, economic, political, and socio-cultural matters.


  1. Examine the importance of the Glorious Qur’an.

1d. Proof of the Divine authenticity of the Glorious Qur’an (Q.4:82) (Q.41:42)


  1. Uniqueness of the Glorious Qur’an (Q.39:27) (Q.17:88) (Q.75:16-19)
  2. Divine preservation of the Glorious Qur’an (Q.15:9)


  1. Evaluate the proof of the divine authenticity of the Glorious Qur’an.
  2. Evaluate the uniqueness of the Glorious Qur’an.
  3. Examine the ways by which the Glorious Qur’an was preserved.

2. Tafsir


  1. Historical development of Tafsir
  2. Importance of Tafsir
  3. Types of Tafsir


  1. Trace the origin and sources of Tafsir.
  2. Evaluate the importance of Tafsir.
  3. Compare the types of Tafsir.

3. Introduction to Tajwid (Theory and Practice)


  1. Examine the meaning and importance of Tajwid.

4. Study of the Arabic text of the following suwar/ayats with tajwid


  • (a) al-Fatihah (Q.1)
  • (b) al -Adiyat (Q.100)
  • (c) al -Qari’ah (Q.101)
  • (d) at -Takathur (Q.102)
  • (e) al -Asr ((Q.103)
  • (f) al -Humazah (Q.104)
  • (g) al -Maun ((Q.107)
  • (h) al -Kawthar (Q.108)
  • (i) al – Kafirun (Q. 109)
  • (j) al- Nasr (Q. 110)
  • (k) al -Masad ((Q.111)
  • (l) al -Ikhlas (Q.112)
  • (m) al -Falaq ((Q.113)
  • (n) an-Nas (Q.114)
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  1. Recite with correct tajwid the Arabic texts of the suwar.
  2. Translate the verses.
  3. Deduce lessons from them.
  4. Evaluate the teachings of the verses.

5. Study of the Arabic text of the following suwar/ayats with tajwid


  • a. al-A’ala (Q.87)
  • b. ad-Duha (Q.93)
  • c. al-Inshirah (Q.94)
  • d. at-Tin (Q.95)
  • e. al-Alaq (Q.96)
  • f. al-Qadr (Q.97)
  • g. al-Bayyinah (Q.98)
  • h. al-Zilzal (Q.99)
  • i. Ayatul-Kursiy (Q.2:255)
  • j. Amanar-Rasul (Q.2:285-6)
  • k. Laqad jaakun (Q.9:128-129)


  1. Recite with correct tajwid the Arabic texts of the suwar.
  2. Deduce lessons from them.
  3. Evaluate their teachings.

6. Hadith


  • a. History of Hadith literature – Collection of Hadith from the time of the Prophet(SAW) to the period of the six authentic collectors of Hadith
  • b. Authentication of Hadith
    • i. Isnad (Asma’ur-rijal)
    • ii. Matn
    • iii. Classification of Hadith into Sahih, Hassan, and Da’if
  • c. The relationship between Hadith and the Glorious Qur’an
    • i. The importance of Hadith
    • ii. The similarities and differences between Hadith and the Glorious Qur’an
  • d. The six sound collectors of Hadith – biographies and their works.
  • e. Muwatta and its author – The biography of Imam Malik and the study of his book
  • f. The study of the Arabic texts of the following ahadith from an-Nawawi’s collection: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 27, 34, and 41


  1. Evaluate the history of Hadith from the time of the Prophet (SAW) to the period of six authentic collectors.
  2. Analyze the Isnad.
  3. Analyze the Matn.
  4. Distinguish between Hadith Sahih, Hassan, and da’if.
  5. Examine the importance of Hadith.
  6. Distinguish between Hadith and the Glorious Qur’an.
  7. Evaluate the biographies and works of the six sound collectors of Hadith.
  8. Evaluate Imam Malik’s biography.
  9. Analyze his work.
  10. Interpret the ahadith in Arabic.
  11. Apply them in their daily lives.

7. Moral lessons in the Glorious Qur’an and Hadith


  • a. General moral lessons contained in the admonition of Sage Luqman to his son (Q.31:18-20).
  • b. Goodness to parents (Q.17:23-24)
  • c. Honesty (Q.2:42)(Q.61:2-3)
  • d. Prohibition of bribery and corruption (Q:2:188), alcohol and gambling (Q.2:219) (Q.5:93-94), stealing and fraud (Q.5:41) (83:1-5), smoking, drug abuse and other intoxicants (Q.2:172-173, 195 and 219) (Q.4:43) (Q.5:3) (Q.6:118-121) arrogance (Q.31:18-19) and extravagance (Q.17:26-27) (Q.31:18-19)
  • e. Dignity of labour (Q.62:10) (Q.78:11) Hadith from Bukhari and Ibn Majah: “that one of you takes his rope…….” “never has anyone of you eaten…..”.
  • f. Behaviour and modesty in dressing (Q.24:27-31) (Q.33:59)
  • g. Adultery and fornication (Q.17:32) (Q.24:2), homosexuality (Q.11:77-78) and obscenity (Q:4:14-15) Hadith – “No one of you should meet a woman privately …… “Bukhari
  • h. Leadership (Q.2:124) and justice (Q.4:58 and 135) (Q.5:9) Hadith – ‘take care everyone of you is a governor …… concerning his subjects” (al-Bukhari and others)
  • i. Trust and obligations (Q:4:58) (Q.5:1) and promises (Q.16:91) Hadith ‘he has (really) no faith ….. Not fulfilled his promise” (Baihaqi)
  • j. Piety (Taqwa) (Q:2:177) (Q.3:102) (Q.49:13) Hadith 18 and 35 of an Nawawi
  • k. Tolerance, perseverance and patience (Q.2:153-157) (Q.3:200) (Q.103:3) Hadith 16 of an-Nawawi
  • l. Unity and brotherhood (Q.3:103) (Q.8:46) (Q.49:10) Hadith 35 of an-Nawawi
  • m. Enjoining what is good and forbidding what is wrong (Q.3:104 and 110) (Q.16:90) Hadith 25 and 34 of an Nawawi


  1. Evaluate the moral lessons in the admonition of Sage Luqman to his son.
  2. Examine the reasons for goodness to parents.
  3. Explain the importance of honesty.
  4. Examine the effects of bribery and corruption.
  5. Analyze the prohibition of alcohol and gambling.
  6. Evaluate the prohibition of stealing and fraud.
  7. Examine the effects of smoking, drug abuse, and other intoxicants.
  8. Evaluate the effects of arrogance and extravagance.
  9. Explain the dignity of labor.
  10. Examine how to dress modestly.
  11. Analyze the evils of adultery, fornication, homosexuality, and obscenity.
  12. Evaluate the importance of leadership and justice.
  13. Examine the importance of fulfilling trust and obligations and keeping promises.
  14. Evaluate the importance of piety (Taqwa).
  15. Analyze the importance of tolerance, perseverance, and patience.
  16. Examine the importance of unity and brotherhood.
  17. Evaluate the importance of enjoining what is good and forbidding what is wrong.
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8. Faith (Iman)


  • a. The six articles of faith (Q.2:177, 285) (Hadith Jibril)
  • b. Belief in Allah, His Unity (Tawhid) and Attributes (Q.24:35) (Q.59:22-24)
  • c. The holy books (Q.2:4, 136, 285) (Q.4:163) (Q.5:44-46)
  • d. Angels (Q.2:177, 285) (Q.8:50) (Q.35:1)
  • e. Prophets (Q.2:136, 177, 285) (Q.4:163-165) (Q.6:83-86)
  • f. Resurrection and the hereafter (Q.2:4, 62) (Q.75:1-14)
  • g. Decree/Pre-destination (Qadar) (Q.4:78) (Q.57:22) (Q.64:11)


  1. Analyze the six articles of faith.
  2. Evaluate the concept of belief in Allah, His unity, and attributes.
  3. Discuss the significance of holy books in Islam.
  4. Describe the role and importance of angels in Islam.
  5. Discuss the role of prophets in Islam.
  6. Evaluate the concepts of resurrection and the hereafter.
  7. Examine the Islamic view on decree and pre-destination.

9. Shirk


  • a. The meaning of shirk
  • b. The types of shirk:
    • i. Greater shirk
    • ii. Lesser shirk (Q.4:48, 116) (Q.31:13)
  • c. Effects of shirk


  1. Define shirk.
  2. Differentiate between greater and lesser shirk.
  3. Examine the effects of shirk on individuals and society.

10. Kalimatush-shahadah


  • a. The meaning of kalimatush-shahadah
  • b. Its importance
  • c. Conditions for its recitation
  • d. Its effects on the believer


  1. Explain the meaning of kalimatush-shahadah.
  2. Discuss the importance of kalimatush-shahadah.
  3. Identify the conditions for its recitation.
  4. Evaluate its effects on the believer.


11. Introduction to Fiqh


  • a. Definition of Fiqh
  • b. Sources of Islamic law: Qur’an, Sunnah, Ijma, Qiyas
  • c. Schools of law (Mazahib): Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, Hanbali


  1. Define Fiqh.
  2. Identify the sources of Islamic law.
  3. Compare the different schools of law.

12. Taharah (Purification)


  • a. Definition and importance
  • b. Types of water for purification
  • c. Acts of purification: Ghusl, Wudu, Tayammum
  • d. Types of impurities (Najasah) and how to clean them


  1. Define and discuss the importance of Taharah.
  2. Identify the types of water used for purification.
  3. Describe the acts of purification.
  4. Explain how to clean different types of impurities.

13. Salat (Prayer)


  • a. Definition and importance of Salat
  • b. Types of Salat: Obligatory, Sunnah, Nawafil
  • c. Conditions for the performance of Salat
  • d. Times of Salat
  • e. Steps and recitations in the performance of Salat
  • f. Congregational prayer (Salat al-Jama’ah) and its significance
  • g. Friday prayer (Salat al-Jumu’ah)
  • h. Salat al-Janazah (funeral prayer)


  1. Define Salat and discuss its importance.
  2. Differentiate between the types of Salat.
  3. Identify the conditions for the performance of Salat.
  4. Explain the times of Salat.
  5. Describe the steps and recitations in the performance of Salat.
  6. Evaluate the significance of congregational prayer.
  7. Discuss the importance of Friday prayer.
  8. Explain the procedure for Salat al-Janazah.

14. Zakat (Obligatory Charity)


  • a. Definition and importance of Zakat
  • b. Types of Zakat: Zakat al-Mal, Zakat al-Fitr
  • c. Conditions for the payment of Zakat
  • d. Recipients of Zakat
  • e. Calculation of Zakat


  1. Define Zakat and discuss its importance.
  2. Differentiate between the types of Zakat.
  3. Identify the conditions for the payment of Zakat.
  4. Describe the recipients of Zakat.
  5. Explain how to calculate Zakat.

15. Sawm (Fasting)


  • a. Definition and importance of Sawm
  • b. Types of Sawm: Obligatory, Sunnah, Nafl
  • c. Conditions for the performance of Sawm
  • d. Acts that invalidate Sawm
  • e. Exemptions and compensations for missing Sawm


  1. Define Sawm and discuss its importance.
  2. Differentiate between the types of Sawm.
  3. Identify the conditions for the performance of Sawm.
  4. Describe the acts that invalidate Sawm.
  5. Explain the exemptions and compensations for missing Sawm.

16. Hajj (Pilgrimage)


  • a. Definition and importance of Hajj
  • b. Types of Hajj: Ifrad, Qiran, Tamattu’
  • c. Conditions for the performance of Hajj
  • d. Steps and rituals of Hajj
  • e. Significance of the different rituals of Hajj
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  1. Define Hajj and discuss its importance.
  2. Differentiate between the types of Hajj.
  3. Identify the conditions for the performance of Hajj.
  4. Describe the steps and rituals of Hajj.
  5. Evaluate the significance of the different rituals of Hajj.

17. Jihad


  • a. Definition and types of Jihad
  • b. Conditions for Jihad
  • c. Misconceptions about Jihad


  1. Define Jihad and differentiate between its types.
  2. Identify the conditions for Jihad.
  3. Address common misconceptions about Jihad.


18. Islamic Etiquettes


  • a. Etiquettes of eating and drinking
  • b. Etiquettes of greeting and talking
  • c. Etiquettes of visiting and hospitality
  • d. Islamic dress code


  1. Discuss the etiquettes of eating and drinking.
  2. Explain the etiquettes of greeting and talking.
  3. Describe the etiquettes of visiting and hospitality.
  4. Evaluate the Islamic dress code.

19. Islamic Civilization


  • a. Contributions of Islamic civilization to science, medicine, and architecture
  • b. Key historical figures in Islamic civilization
  • c. The spread of Islamic civilization and its impact on the world


  1. Analyze the contributions of Islamic civilization to various fields.
  2. Discuss the achievements of key historical figures in Islamic civilization.
  3. Evaluate the spread and impact of Islamic civilization.

20. Contemporary Issues in Islam


  • a. Islam and modernity
  • b. Islam and politics
  • c. Islam and human rights
  • d. Islam and gender issues


  1. Discuss the relationship between Islam and modernity.
  2. Analyze the role of Islam in contemporary politics.
  3. Evaluate the Islamic perspective on human rights.
  4. Examine gender issues within the context of Islam.

21. Interfaith Dialogue


  • a. Importance of interfaith dialogue
  • b. Principles of interfaith dialogue in Islam
  • c. Historical examples of interfaith dialogue


  1. Discuss the importance of interfaith dialogue.
  2. Identify the principles of interfaith dialogue in Islam.
  3. Evaluate historical examples of interfaith dialogue.


22. The Life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)


  • a. Early life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
  • b. The call to prophethood and the early years of Islam in Makkah
  • c. The Hijrah and the establishment of the Islamic state in Madinah
  • d. Major battles and events in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
  • e. The Farewell Sermon and the death of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)


  1. Discuss the early life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
  2. Analyze the significance of the call to prophethood and the early years of Islam in Makkah.
  3. Evaluate the importance of the Hijrah and the establishment of the Islamic state in Madinah.
  4. Describe the major battles and events in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
  5. Discuss the Farewell Sermon and its significance.
  6. Reflect on the death of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and its impact on the Muslim community.

23. The Rightly Guided Caliphs


  • a. The leadership and achievements of Abu Bakr (RA)
  • b. The leadership and achievements of Umar (RA)
  • c. The leadership and achievements of Uthman (RA)
  • d. The leadership and achievements of Ali (RA)


  1. Discuss the leadership and achievements of Abu Bakr (RA).
  2. Analyze the leadership and achievements of Umar (RA).
  3. Evaluate the leadership and achievements of Uthman (RA).
  4. Reflect on the leadership and achievements of Ali (RA).

24. The Spread of Islam


  • a. The spread of Islam during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
  • b. The spread of Islam during the time of the Rightly Guided Caliphs
  • c. The spread of Islam during the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties
  • d. The spread of Islam to Africa, Asia, and Europe


  1. Discuss the spread of Islam during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
  2. Analyze the spread of Islam during the time of the Rightly Guided Caliphs.
  3. Evaluate the spread of Islam during the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties.
  4. Reflect on the spread of Islam to Africa, Asia, and Europe.

25. Islamic Dynasties


  • a. The Umayyad dynasty
  • b. The Abbasid dynasty
  • c. The Ottoman Empire
  • d. Other significant Islamic dynasties


  1. Discuss the history and achievements of the Umayyad dynasty.
  2. Analyze the history and achievements of the Abbasid dynasty.
  3. Evaluate the history and achievements of the Ottoman Empire.
  4. Reflect on the contributions of other significant Islamic dynasties.

26. Islamic Scholars and Thinkers


  • a. Contributions of early Islamic scholars and thinkers
  • b. Key works and ideas of Islamic scholars in various fields (theology, philosophy, science, etc.)
  • c. The legacy of Islamic scholars and thinkers


  1. Discuss the contributions of early Islamic scholars and thinkers.
  2. Analyze the key works and ideas of Islamic scholars in various fields.
  3. Evaluate the legacy of Islamic scholars and thinkers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Five Pillars of Islam?

The Five Pillars are core practices: Shahadah (faith declaration), Salat (prayer), Zakat (charity), Sawm (fasting during Ramadan), and Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). These pillars form the foundation of a Muslim’s faith and actions.

What is the Qur’an?

The Qur’an is Islam’s holy book, believed to be Allah’s literal word revealed to Muhammad. It provides comprehensive guidance on worship, ethics, and law, forming the basis of Sharia.

How does Islam view the afterlife?

Islam emphasizes a strong belief in the afterlife with resurrection, judgment, and eternal reward or punishment. The righteous enter paradise (Jannah), while the sinful face torment in hell (Jahannam), encouraging moral and pious living.


Here you have it, all the information you need to know about Jamb Syllabus on Islamic Religion and if you have any questions kindly drop it at the comment section.

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