summary of Jamb Novel

Summary Of Jamb Novel “The Life Changer” By Khadija Abubakar Jalli

Knowing the summary of Jamb Novel “The Life Changer” by Khadija Abubakar Jalli will help you in answering many of the Questions you will meet in your examination. This book is important because it is very one that will end up answering questions from it.

If you are the type that don’t like to read some long novels, well, don’t worry yourself because here we are going to give you the full summary of the book. let’s get started;

Summary Of Jamb Novel “The Life Changer” By Khadija Abubakar Jalli

Chapter 1: A New Beginning

A family of six eagerly awaits the arrival of Mr. Esquire, their lives filled with anticipation and excitement. As they wait, Bint, one of the children, recounts a recent interaction with her nosy social studies instructor, Mallam Salihu. Known for his habit of asking off-topic questions, Salihu often gives the impression that he knows a little bit about everything. Bint shares a story of how she cleverly handled one such situation, leaving the teacher astounded and the students applauding in amusement.

As the family continues to wait, Omar, the eldest son, joyfully announces his acceptance to study law at Ahmadu Bello University. This news brings a wave of pride and happiness to the family, especially to Ummi, their mother. She expresses her pride in Omar’s achievement and praises Bint’s cleverness in dealing with her teacher. Omar, basking in the glory of his accomplishment, boasts about overcoming the hurdles of exams and admissions. The family gathers to celebrate his victory, and Ummi seizes the moment to impart wisdom about the transformative power of university education, sharing her own experiences.

Chapter 2: University Life

Ummi’s journey to university began twenty years ago, right after she got married. She vividly describes the freedom and carefree lifestyle of university students, noting the challenge of distinguishing between students and lecturers due to the casual attire of some female students. Ummi emphasizes the importance of adhering to dress regulations in certain faculties. She then shares her encounter with Salma, a stylish and outspoken young woman. While waiting in line for registration, Salma engages in a conversation with a young man, only to later discover he is the lecturer in charge of the process. This revelation leaves Salma and everyone else in line stunned.

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Ummi’s story continues with her own registration experience. After completing her departmental registration, she is directed to the HOD’s office. She finds the HOD’s sweet small talk inappropriate and suspects he is making a pass at her. She endures the uncomfortable situation until she receives her matriculation number, then angrily storms out of the office. When she returns home, she shares the encounter with her husband, only to be shocked by his revelation of his friendship with Dr. Sam John, the HOD.

Chapter 3: The Quiet One

Ummi narrates the tale of Talle, a boy nicknamed “the quiet one.” Born after many years of childlessness, Talle’s mother dies shortly after his birth, and he grows up in silence, becoming even quieter after the death of his father and stepmother. The villagers consider Talle harmless and trustworthy. However, in need of money, Talle confides in Zaki, who suggests kidnapping a child for ransom. They carry out the plan, hiding the child in Talle’s home.

Talle’s unusual behavior at the market, buying twice his usual amount of groceries, raises suspicion. The market woman reports this to the district head, leading to Talle’s questioning. Police storm the palace, arresting Talle on charges of kidnapping and extortion. Talle and Zaki are eventually sentenced to prison, ending their criminal activities.

Chapter 4: Salma’s Arrogance

Salma’s arrogance and beauty are highlighted as she visits Dr. Debo, the level coordinator, to get her paperwork signed. Dr. Debo, despite his years of discipline, makes advances towards Salma, which she dismisses with disdain. Feeling guilty, Dr. Debo prays for forgiveness. Salma completes her hostel registration and moves into a room with three other girls. Initially repelled by her roommates, Salma gradually forms a close bond with them, creating a sisterhood.

One evening, Habib and his driver, Labaran, offer Salma a ride in a Mercedes Benz. Aware of the risks, Salma arrogantly plans to reject any advances from Habib to elevate her status and gain respect among her peers. This ride marks the beginning of Salma’s attempt to manipulate her social standing.

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Chapter 5: The Switch

Salma cunningly gives Habib Tomiwa’s phone number instead of hers. Curious about Habib, Tomiwa decides to go on a blind date with him. During the date, she reveals the phone number switch, surprising Habib. This incident illustrates Salma’s manipulative nature and her ability to influence those around her.

Chapter 6: The Consequences of Cheating

Struggling with moral philosophy, Salma decides to cheat on her exam. She spends the night before the exam studying past questions and rehearsing answers. However, the actual exam questions are different, leaving her unprepared. Salma resorts to copying answers from a note written by Kola. Unfortunately, a female lecturer catches her cheating and escorts her to the HOD’s office. Salma is forced to fill out an Examination Malpractice (EMAIL) form, and her case is forwarded to the Ethics and Exams Committee. Both Salma and Kola are expelled, facing the harsh consequences of their actions.

Chapter 7: Seeking Influence

Desperate to reverse her expulsion, Salma turns to Habib for help, hoping to use his political connections. Habib suggests involving Dr. Debo, but Salma rejects the idea due to her previous encounter with him. Instead, she agrees to repay Habib in kind if he provides money to bribe the head of the Examination and Ethics Committee (EMEC). Salma transfers the money to Dr. Kabir, believing he is the chairman. She soon discovers that Dr. Kabir deceived her, as he is neither the chairman nor a committee member. Devastated by the betrayal, Salma breaks down in tears.

Chapter 8: Unmasking Dr. Kabir

The true identity of Mohammed Kabir, a university-employed laboratory technician who goes by “Doctor,” is revealed. Known for his gambling habit, Kabir’s deception is exposed. Labaran informs Habib about Kabir’s scam, and they decide to involve Zaki. Despite Habib’s initial doubts due to Zaki’s past failures, he agrees to the plan. Zaki follows Kabir, who visits a gambling parlor and wins a substantial amount of money. As Kabir leaves, thugs attack him to steal his winnings. Zaki intervenes, recovering the money and leaving Kabir injured.

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Ummi shares with her children how Salma eventually corrected her ways. After her father’s death, Salma becomes a serious and respectable person. Ummi, recognizing Salma’s transformation, accepts her as a friend.

Chapter 9: The Dangers of Online Dating

Ummi recounts Salim’s bitter experience with online dating. Salim meets Natasha on the internet, exchanging photos, texts, and affectionate conversations. They arrange to meet late at night, despite Salim’s subconscious warnings. Enchanted by Natasha’s beauty, Salim is caught off guard when gunmen attack him, attempting to rob him. He narrowly escapes, learning a valuable lesson about the dangers of trusting strangers online.

Despite this experience, Salim falls for another woman he meets on social media. This time, he asks his friend Lawal to accompany him. Lawal declines, but Salim insists, only to be disappointed by the reality of his online date. The experience teaches him to be more cautious and discerning in his relationships.

When Mr. Esquire finally arrives, the children express their appreciation for the stories Ummi shared. These narratives, rich with life lessons and moral values, leave a lasting impact on the family, strengthening their bond and understanding of the world around them.


The chapters collectively explore themes of education, morality, deception, and personal growth. Each character’s journey highlights the challenges and triumphs of navigating life’s complexities. From Ummi’s reflections on university life to Salma’s journey from arrogance to humility, and Salim’s cautionary tale of online dating, the stories offer valuable insights and lessons.

Through these narratives, the importance of integrity, resilience, and personal development is emphasized. The family’s interactions and shared experiences underscore the significance of support, understanding, and communication in overcoming life’s obstacles. The tales serve as a reminder that while mistakes and challenges are inevitable, they also provide opportunities for growth and learning.

In conclusion, the stories within these chapters provide a rich tapestry of human experiences, offering a glimpse into the diverse and multifaceted nature of life. Through the lens of each character’s journey, readers are encouraged to reflect on their own lives, learn from the experiences of others, and strive for personal and moral growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did the mother pause to listen to their conversation?

She paused because there was something about the laughter that drew her attention.

What was Salma’s physical appearance?

Salma was a fair-complexioned girl, tall, slim, and rather busty.

Why was the HOD close to Ummi?

The HOD knew Ummi’s husband very well and even facilitated her admission.


“The Life Changer” by Khadija Abubakar Jalli is a story about family, education, and moral lessons. It highlights university life, personal growth, and the challenges faced by students. The novel teaches resilience, integrity, and the importance of family support, making it a valuable read for JAMB candidates

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