NECO Mathematics Past Question

NECO Mathematics Past Question 2024 [OBJECTIVE]

NECO Mathematics Past Question is here and the best thing every student should do is to take this and study it. you can also look at the syllabus and and recommended textbooks and use it for your reading.

In this post, we are going to make available to you the complete NECO mathematics past question (objective). So without waste of time, let’s get started;

NECO Mathematics Past Question

Below are the mathematics past questions for NECO;

1. Twenty girls and y boys sat on an examination. The mean marks obtained by the girls and boys were 52 and 57 respectively. if the total score for both girls and boys was 2750, find y.
  • A. 51
  • B. 48
  • C. 30
  • D. 25
  • E. 18
2. A sector of angle 120° is cut out from a circle of radius 13.5cm. what area of the circle is remaining ? (π = 227227)
  • A. 14.1cm2
  • B. 95.5cm2
  • C. 190.9cm2
  • D. 381.9cm2
  • E. 763.7cm2
3. Two ladders of length 5m and 7m lean against a pole and make angles 45° and 60° with the ground respectively. What is their distance apart on the pole correct to two decimal places?
  • A. 9.60m
  • B. 6.06m
  • C. 2.54m
  • D. 2.53m
  • E. 2.00m
4. The chances of Usman and Dele passing a Mathematics test are 12 and 13 respectively. What is the probability that neither of them passes the test?
  • A. 3535
  • B. 2525
  • C. 415415
  • D. 1515
  • E. 215215
5. x varies directly as y and inversely as z. when x = 5, y = 2 and z = 1. What is the value of x when y = 5 and z = 2?
  • A. 2.5
  • B. 5
  • C. 6.25
  • D. 6.52
  • E. 7.5
6. Find the mean deviation of 20, 25, 21, 27, 28, 29, to the nearest whole number
  • A. 2
  • B. 3
  • C. 4
  • D. 5
  • E. 6
7. Calculate the area of a parallelogram whose diagonals are of length 8cm and 12cm and intersect at an angle of 135°
  • A. 271.5cm2
  • B. 135.8cm2
  • C. 96.0cm2
  • D. 48.0cm2
  • E. 33.9cm2
8. The ratio of the base area of a hollow cone to that of its curved surface is 1:4. If its base radius is 7cm, calculate the slant height of the cone
  • A. 7cm
  • B. 22cm
  • C. 28cm
  • D. 49cm
  • E. 154cm
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9. Increase 135 in the ratio 3:5
  • A. 225
  • B. 216
  • C. 143
  • D. 140
  • E. 140
10. Given that x2 + y2 + k = 60 and x = 10‾‾‾√10 when y = 4, find the value of k.
  • A. 56
  • B. 34
  • C. 32
  • D. -34
  • E. -56
11. Find y if sin y = cos 48°
  • A. 21°
  • B. 24°
  • C. 42°
  • D. 48°
  • E. 102°
12. Simplify the expression:  Log416𝐿𝑜𝑔416 +  Log327𝐿𝑜𝑔327 + Log84096𝐿𝑜𝑔84096 
  • A. -9
  • B. 1313
  • C. 1919
  • D. 3
  • E. 9
13. The radii of two similar cylindrical jugs are in the ratio 3:7. Calculate the ratio of their volumes
  • A. 1 : 04
  • B. 3 : 07
  • C. 9 : 49
  • D. 0.086111111
  • E. 27 : 343
14. A man travels at a rate of 25m/sec. If he travels for 10½hrs, how many kilometres has he covered?
  • A. 262.5
  • B. 945
  • C. 970
  • D. 995
  • E. 1822.9
15. The ages of Abu, Segun, Kofi and Funmi are 17 years, (2x -13) years, 14 years and 16 years respectively. What is the value of x if their mean ages is 17.5 years?
  • A. 18
  • B. 23
  • C. 25
  • D. 36
  • E. 70
16. 2 bags of sugar at Nx per bag are mixed with 3 bags of sugar at Ny per bag. What is the cost in N of the mixture per bag?
  • A. (2x+3y)5(2𝑥+3𝑦)5
  • B. (x+y)2(𝑥+𝑦)2
  • C. x2+y3𝑥2+𝑦3
  • D. (x+y)5(𝑥+𝑦)5
  • E. (3x+2y)5(3𝑥+2𝑦)5
17. The ages of 10 students in a class are; 15, 16, 15.5, 17, 14.9, 14.5, 14.1, 15.1, 14.8. find the range of their ages.
  • A. 6.1
  • B. 4.8
  • C. 2.9
  • D. 2.1
  • E. 1.9
18. If the 3rd and the 5th terms of an A.P are 6 and 10 respectively, find the 1st term and the common difference respectively.
  • A. 1, 2
  • B. 2, 2
  • C. 2, 3
  • D. 3, 2
  • E. 3,3
19. A pair of shoes was sold for N2,250.00 at a loss of 10%. What was the cost price?
  • A. N750.00
  • B. N2,500.00
  • C. N2,538.00
  • D. N3,288.00
  • E. N4,038.00
20. Find the coefficient of xy in the expansion of (x – 4y)(3x + 2y)
  • A. 14
  • B. 12
  • C. 10
  • D. -10
  • E. -12
21. Which of the following angular inequalities defines an obtuse angle?
  • A. 0° < x < 90°
  • B. 0° ≤ x > 180°
  • C. 90° < x < 180°
  • D. 90° ≤ x < 180°
  • E. 90° > x < 180°
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22. If y + 1y1𝑦 = 9, evaluate y2 + 1y21𝑦2
  • A. 27
  • B. 38
  • C. 54
  • D. 63
  • E. 79
23. If N25,000.00 is kept in a bank at the rate of 2% simple interest, how much will it amount to at the end of 5 years?
  • A. N2,500.00
  • B. N5,000.00
  • C. N12,500.00
  • D. N27,500.00
  • E. N125,000.00
24. Construct a quadratic equation whose roots are –3232 and 7
  • A. 3x2 + 11x + 21 = 0
  • B. 2x2 + 11x + 21 = 0
  • C. 2x2 – 11x – 21 = 0
  • D. 3x2 – 11x – 21 = 0
  • E. x2 – 11x – 21 = 0
25. A chord XY of a circle with centre O and radius 5.32cm has ∠XOY = 140°. What is the length of the chord to the nearest centimetre?
  • A. 10cm
  • B. 6cm
  • C. 5cm
  • D. 3cm
  • E. 1cm
26. Rationalize the expression (73)(133)(7−3)(13−3)
  • A. (44 + 33‾√3) ÷ 83
  • B. (44 + 23‾√3) ÷ 83
  • C. (44 – 33‾√3) ÷ 83
  • D. (44 – 43‾√3) ÷ 83
  • E. (44 – 23‾√3) ÷ 83
27. In proving the congruence of two triangles, which of the following is not important?
  • A. two sides and the included angles
  • B. two angles and a side
  • C. three sides
  • D. three angles
  • E. right angle, hypotenuse and another side
28. Bello chooses a number randomly from 1 to 10. What is the probability that it is either odd or prime?
  • A. 110110
  • B. 2525
  • C. 1212
  • D. 3535
  • E. 910910
29. If tan α = 1212 and tan β = 1313 and both α and β are acute, find tan (α + β).
  • A. 0.015
  • B. 1
  • C. 10
  • D. 39.81
  • E. 45
30. Multiply (3a‾√𝑎 – 4a) by (4a + 3a‾√𝑎)
  • A. 9a + 16a2
  • B. 9a – 16a2
  • C. 3a + 16a2
  • D. 3a – 16a2
  • E. a – 16a2
31. The median of a distribution can be estimated from
  • A. Barchart
  • B. Cumulative frequency curve
  • C. Frequency polygon
  • D. Pictorial
  • E. Pie chart
32. If A = 1212h (a + b), make ‘a’ the subject of the formula
  • A. (2A – 2bh) ÷ b
  • B. (2A – bh) ÷ h
  • C. (2A – bh) ÷ b
  • D. (A – 2bh) ÷ h
  • E. (2A – h) ÷ bh
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33. The graph of cumulative frequency distribution is known as
  • A. an ogive
  • B. a histogram
  • C. a frequency polygon
  • D. relative frequency
  • E. none
34. T varies inversely as the square root of F when T = 7, F = 21414. Find T when F = 279279
  • A. 1.5
  • B. 6.3
  • C. 6.3
  • D. 12.6
  • E. 21
35. Evaluate (25 × 4-2) ÷ (2-3 × 26)
  • A. 9
  • B. 8
  • C. 3
  • D. 8989
  • E. 14
36. If 5x – 3 = 4x – 7, what is the value 6x?
  • A. 24
  • B. 6
  • C. 4
  • D. -4
  • E. -24
37. Which of the following properties is/are common to parallelograms and rectangles?
I. all angles are right angles
II. the diagonals are equals.
III. the opposite sides are equal and parallel.
  • A. I and II
  • B. I and III
  • C. II and III
  • D. I
  • E. III
38. P = {x:(x – 2)(x + 3) (x – 4)(x + 5) = 0}. The elements in P are
  • A. -5,-2, 3, 4
  • B. -5, -3, 2, 4
  • C. -5, -3, -2,4
  • D. -4, -3, -2, 5
  • E. 2, 3, 4, 5
39. Find the value of log33 81
  • A. 81
  • B. 16
  • C. 8
  • D. 3
  • E. 3‾√

Frequently Asked Question

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Make a study schedule, break study time into small chunks, take regular breaks, find a quiet place to study, and stay away from distractions like your phone. Reviewing notes and practicing problems also help.

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Don’t be afraid to ask your teacher for help. You can also study with friends, use online resources, or get a tutor to explain things in a different way until you understand.

How do I manage exam stress?

Prepare well in advance, get enough sleep, eat healthy, and take breaks. Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing. Remember, it’s just a test and doing your best is what matters.


Here you have it on NECO Mathematics Past Question, Improving study habits, seeking help when you don’t understand, and managing exam stress are key to academic success. By staying organized, asking questions, and taking care of yourself, you can perform well in school and feel more confident during exams. Remember, doing your best is what counts. You can also check here at ExamDon everyday for latest update on school news.

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