NECO Biology Past Questions

NECO Biology Past Questions 2023 [UPDATED]

NECO Biology past questions is here to help you test your knowledge and see how far you have gone with your studies.

In this article, we are going to give you the NECO biology past questions, with that you be able to study having in mind some of the areas your questions might be coming from.

NECO Biology Past Questions

Below are the NECO Biology Past Questions;

1. Fibrinogen and prothrombin play important roles in the

  • A. deamination of proteins
  • B. clotting of blood
  • C. detoxification of substances
  • D. storage of vitamins

2. The largest amount of yolk is found in the egg of

  • A. amphibians
  • B. pisces
  • C. reptiles
  • D. aves

3. If the cross of a red-flowered plant with a white-flowered plant produces a pink-flowered plant, this is an example of

  • A. codominance
  • B. incomplete dominance
  • C. mutation
  • D. linkage

4. The following processes release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere EXCEPT

  • A. combustion
  • B. decomposition
  • C. putrefaction
  • D. respiration
  • E. transpiration

5. Digested food is carried from the small intestine to the liver by the

  • A. hepatic artery
  • B. hepatic portal vein
  • C. hepatic vein
  • D. inferior vena cava
  • E. superior vena cava

6. Plants use nitrogen in the form of

  • A. ammonia
  • B. ammonium
  • C. nitrates
  • D. nitrites
  • E. urea

7. Which of the following enzymes act on carbohydrates?

  • A. Amylase
  • B. Lipase
  • C. Pepsin
  • D. Renin
  • E. Trypsin

8. These groups of bacteria are harmless EXCEPT

  • A. denitrifying
  • B. nitrifying
  • C. nitrogen-fixing
  • D. parasitic
  • E. saprophytic

9. Which of the following is a characteristic of mollusc?

  • A. Bodies are protected by hard exoskeleton
  • B. Bodies are segmented
  • C. Body walls have three layers
  • D. Presence of paired jointed appendages
  • E. The head bears a pair of antennae

10. These animals exhibit camouflage EXCEPT

  • A. chameleon
  • B. crab
  • C. crocodile
  • D. lizard
  • E. snake

11. Which of these vertebrae is of the same number in man and rabbit?

  • A. Caudal
  • B. Cervical
  • C. Lumbar
  • D. Sacral
  • E. Thoracic
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12. Cellular respiration occurs in the

  • A. chloroplast
  • B. endoplasmic reticulum
  • C. food vacuole
  • D. mitochondrion
  • E. nucleus

13. Which of the following enables mammals to maintain balance?

  • A. Cochlea
  • B. Eustachian tube
  • C. Ossicle
  • D. Semi-circular canal
  • E. Tympanic membrane

14. Which of the following body characteristics distinguishes Ascaris from earthworms?

  • A. Bilaterally symmetrical
  • B. Cylindrical
  • C. Segmented
  • D. Soft
  • E. Unsegmented

15. Mycelium is a feature of

  • A. algae
  • B. bacteria
  • C. ferns
  • D. fungi
  • E. viruses

16. The part of the male reproductive organ where sperm cells are produced is called?

  • A. epididymis
  • B. penis
  • C. seminal vesicle
  • D. seminiferous tubules
  • E. vas deferens

17. Which of the following processes converts nitrates in the soil to atmospheric nitrogen?

  • A. Denitrification
  • B. Lightning
  • C. Nitrification
  • D. Putrefaction
  • E. Rainfall

18. Which of these is a simple dehiscent fruit?

  • A. Achene
  • B. Cypsela
  • C. Legume
  • D. Nut
  • E. Samara

19. The male reproductive part of a flower is made up of

  • A. anther and filament
  • B. ovary and ovule
  • C. ovule and style
  • D. stigma and filament
  • E. style and stigma

20. The type of placentation found in tomato fruit is called

  • A. axile
  • B. basal
  • C. free central
  • D. marginal
  • E. parietal

21. Exoskeleton is a characteristic feature of

  • A. amoeba
  • B. earthworm
  • C. hydra
  • D. millipede
  • E. tapeworm

22. Which of the following is an abiotic factor in an ecosystem?

  • A. Food
  • B. Host
  • C. Parasite
  • D. Predator
  • E. Pressure

23. The structure in cell concerned with the synthesis of proteins is the

  • A. endoplasmic reticulum
  • B. ribosome
  • C. nucleus
  • D. plasma membrane
  • E. golgi apparatus

24. Root hairs are extensions of the

  • A. cortex
  • B. endodermis
  • C. epidermis
  • D. piliferous layer
  • E. vascular bundle

25. The cortex of a herbaceous stem is made up of

  • A. collenchyma and parenchyma
  • B. collenchyma and sclerenchyma
  • C. parenchyma and sclerenchyma
  • D. pericycle and endodermis
  • E. sclerenchyma and endodermis
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26. Fern plants carry out photosynthesis in the

  • A. frond
  • B. rhizome
  • C. sorus
  • D. stolon
  • E. thallus

27. The basic unit of classification of living things is the

  • A. class
  • B. genus
  • C. kingdom
  • D. phylum
  • E. species

28. Which of the following is a bryophyte?

  • A. Bladderwort
  • B. Flytrap
  • C. Liverwort
  • D. Pitcher
  • E. Sundew

29. Which of these influences growth movement in plants?

  • A. Acetic acid
  • B. Auxins
  • C. Chlorophyll
  • D. Enzyme
  • E. Ethylene

30. What will be the phenotypic ratio in the F1 generation, if a dominant red-flowered plant (RR) is crossed with a recessive white-flowered plant (rr)?

  • A. 1 red : 1 white
  • B. 2 red : 0 white
  • C. 3 red : 1 white
  • D. 4 red : 0 white
  • E. 4 red : 4 white

31. The products of respiration in higher plants are

  • A. carbondioxide, energy and starch
  • B. carbondioxide, energy and water
  • C. carbondioxide, oxygen and water
  • D. carbondioxide, starch and water
  • E. glucose, energy and water

32. Excess amino acids are converted into urea by the

  • A. heart
  • B. kidney
  • C. liver
  • D. muscles
  • E. spleen

33. These processes are involved in asexual reproduction EXCEPT

  • A. budding
  • B. fertilization
  • C. fission
  • D. spore formation
  • E. vegetative propagation

34. The following plants have self-pollinated flowers EXCEPT?

  • A. groundnut
  • B. okra
  • C. rice
  • D. wheat

35. In mammals, tissue respiration takes place in the

  • A. alveoli
  • B. cells
  • C. lungs
  • D. nose
  • E. trachea

36. Over-grazing encourages soil

  • A. acidity
  • B. conservation
  • C. erosion
  • D. fertility
  • E. formation

37. Villi are finger-like structures found in the

  • A. large intestine
  • B. rectum
  • C. small intestine
  • D. stomach
  • E. tongue

38. Which of these is NOT a pollutant?

  • A. Carbondioxide
  • B. Lead oxide
  • C. Nitrogen gas
  • D. Nitrogen oxide
  • E. Sulphur dioxide

39. Which of these organisms reproduces by budding?

  • A. Amoeba
  • B. Euglena
  • C. Hydra
  • D. Paramecium
  • E. Volvox

40. In a moss plant, spores are produced in the

  • A. capsule
  • B. leaf
  • C. rhizoid
  • D. seta
  • E. stalk

41. Which of the following functions of the body are nephrons associated with?

  • A. Circulation
  • B. Digestion
  • C. Excretion
  • D. Reproduction
  • E. Respiration
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42. Which of these is NOT part of a seed?

  • A. Cotyledon
  • B. Embryo
  • C. Endosperm
  • D. Pericarp
  • E. Testa

43. The topmost layer of a typical soil profile is

  • A. clay
  • B. coarse sand
  • C. fine sand
  • D. gravel
  • E. humus

44. A dehiscent fruit formed from several fused carpels with many seeds is classified as a/an

  • A. achene
  • B. capsule
  • C. caryopsis
  • D. follicle
  • E. legume

45. Liver destroys old red blood cells to produce digestive substance called

  • A. amylase
  • B. bile
  • C. insulin
  • D. lipase
  • E. rennin

46. What will the phenotypic ratio be when a tall pea plant (TT) is crossed with a short pea plant (Tt)?

  • A. 0:4
  • B. 1:3
  • C. 2:2
  • D. 3:1
  • E. 4:0

47. Loamy soil is used for crop production because of its

  • A. high humus content
  • B. high percentage of clay
  • C. high porosity
  • D. low gravel content
  • E. low humus content

48. Which of these is a courtship behavior in toad?

  • A. Display of body parts
  • B. Display of color
  • C. Pairing
  • D. Production of scent
  • E. Territoriality

49. The following practices are adopted in the conservation of tropical rainforest EXCEPT

  • A. afforestation
  • B. creation of game reserve
  • C. creation of forest reserve
  • D. re-afforestation
  • E. deforestation

50. The function of ribosome is

  • A. excretion of waste
  • B. protein synthesis
  • C. reproduction
  • D. respiration
  • E. secretion of hormones

Frequently Asked Questions

What is photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy to produce glucose and oxygen.

How does DNA replicate?

DNA replication occurs in the nucleus of cells, where the DNA unwinds and each strand serves as a template for the synthesis of a new complementary strand.

What is the function of the mitochondria?

Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell, responsible for generating ATP through aerobic respiration, which provides energy for cellular processes.


NECO Biology Past Questions help students prepare for exams by providing previous test examples. These questions cover topics like plants, animals, cells, and ecosystems in simple terms. They aid in understanding biology concepts and practicing for exams, making learning easier and more effective for students.

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